Five stress buster at work

Hi Five Community Services

Five stress buster at work

Having too many things to do may cause you to become overwhelmed and stressed. Help yourself and plan ahead. Identify the important and urgent things first. Learn to prioritise. Highlight the tasks you need to get done first and leave the other ones for later.

Practice Me Time
You may have heard a Work Life Balance keeps you motivated at work. Don’t let work be the only reason you live for. Spend some time with your family and friends, start reading a new book or listen to your favourite music. When you are focused too much on working, you forget there’s more life around you. Also, take some time off. Get away for the weekend and plan some adventures. It is important you keep your mind entertained and have a break from work to recharge your batteries. And please don’t forget to get enough sleep!

Exercise and Eat
Don’t make the excuse ‘I don’t have time to eat properly’. Your diet is very important for your health and it can really make a difference on your stress levels. Eating more nutritious food will give you the energy you need to face the day. Do small breaks and go for a walk, get fresh air and get refreshed. A little stretching and short walks goes a long way. It will help sharpen focus and increases your energy levels.
We all try to find perfection when it comes to work, but sometimes we also need to understand we can’t do everything by ourselves. Let go of the desire to control everything. Ask for someones help if you have too many tasks to deliver and avoid unrealistic deadlines. And if your work dealing with other people and their situation is mentally affecting you too much, don’t be afraid to give it away. Probably someone else will be able to freshly face their case with another perspective. And you won’t only help your patients but also yourself.
Ask for help

We all try to find perfection when it comes to work, but sometimes we also need to understand we can’t do everything by ourselves. Let go of the desire to control everything. Ask for someones help if you have too many tasks to deliver and avoid unrealistic deadlines. And if your work dealing with other people and their situation is mentally affecting you too much, don’t be afraid to give it away. Probably someone else will be able to freshly face their case with another perspective. And you won’t only help your patients but also yourself.
for help
your thought
You are not alone. If you feel stress creeping in, let people know. Talk to your supervisor and tell them why you are feeling like this. Together, come up with a solution and make the situation better.
1300 492 214
Reference: 5 tips to reduce stress at work (


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