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On Spotlight is our COS team, headed by Shawn, they a re the cool and collected team who looks after the support coordination and aged care services. So, let’s meet the tea m and what do they say?

Why do you love what you do? I love what I do because I really enjoy helping  people and I find the job extremely rewarding. Especially when you are able to assist participants in ways that they are unable to help themselves. – Tony

Working with people who have disabilities is a pa rt of our job, and it’s gratifying to be a ble to help them attain their objectives and improve the quality of their lives.

Why you like your team? My team is great because everyone is very friendly, and everybody helps each other all the time. I feel like we are one big unit.

I enjoy going to work because everyone on the Hi Five team is friendly and helpful. – Asiff

What did you learn working with  your team? Working in my team has taught me some great teamwork skills as we all work together to solve problems and share information.

What makes your team awesome? My team is awesome because everybody on the team has good personalities, and they all are very nice people who are passionate about helping people with disabilities.

What fun things your team loves to do? Make people’s lives better !


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